Blogging is dead claim overview

Blogging dead overview

The claim that “blogging is dead” has been a topic of debate among online content creators and marketers.

While some argue that traditional blogging has lost its relevance in the era of social media and video content, others believe that blogging continues to be a valuable and effective means of communication. Here’s an overview of the key points on both sides of the argument:

Arguments supporting the claim that “blogging is dead”:

  1. Shift to Visual Content: With the rise of platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, there has been a significant shift towards visual content. Users seem to prefer consuming information through images and videos rather than text-based content.
  2. Short Attention Spans: The claim suggests that people today have shorter attention spans, making it challenging for them to engage with long-form written content. Social media platforms often prioritize short, concise content.
  3. Competition from New Media: Podcasts and video content have gained popularity, offering alternative ways for individuals to consume information and entertainment. Some argue that these newer forms of media have overshadowed traditional blogging.
  4. Algorithm Changes: Changes in search engine algorithms and social media algorithms may impact the discoverability of blog content. Some argue that it’s becoming harder for blogs to rank high in search results or reach a wider audience organically.

Blogging Success: Proven Tips for Aspiring Bloggers

Blogging is dead claim overview

Arguments against the claim that “blogging is dead”:

  1. SEO Benefits: Blogging is often seen as a powerful tool for search engine optimization (SEO). Well-written, informative blog posts can still attract organic traffic from search engines, contributing to a website’s overall visibility.
  2. Niche Expertise: Blogs provide a platform for individuals to establish themselves as experts in their respective niches. Long-form content allows for in-depth exploration and analysis, which may not be easily achievable in short-form content.
  3. Evergreen Content: Blog posts can have a longer lifespan compared to social media updates. Evergreen content, which remains relevant over time, can continue to attract readers and contribute to a website’s authority.
  4. Community Building: Blogs can foster a sense of community. Engaging with readers through comments and discussions on blog posts can create a loyal audience, fostering a stronger connection compared to some other social media interactions.

While the landscape of online content creation is evolving, the claim that “blogging is dead” is subjective. Many factors, including the nature of the content, the target audience, and the platform’s purpose, contribute to the ongoing relevance of blogging in the digital age.

Some individuals and businesses continue to find success through blogging, leveraging it alongside other forms of media for a comprehensive online presence.


Gobindo Roy Shojib: Experienced SEO pro from Bangladesh with 7 years in the field. Specializing in WordPress, performance marketing, and local SEO.
