Can I join NDA without Maths?

Even though the NDA exam includes a required math section, failing math at the 10+2 level won’t prevent you from applying. Let us simplify things so you may grasp them easily. Many aspirants choose not to apply for the NDA exam because they do not have mathematics as an intermediate-level subject, either from ignorance or from inadequate supervision. To dispel this myth,Maa Tutorial Academy has developed a thorough explanation of how non-mathematicians can apply for the NDA exam.


According to the official announcement for the NDA exam, candidates who wish to enroll in the National Defence Academy’s Air Force or Naval wings must have completed math at the 10+2 level. On the other hand, if you lack arithmetic skills, you can apply to join the NDA’s Army branch. You are fully qualified to apply for the NDA exam regardless of whether you studied commerce, PCM, PCB, or even arts in your eleventh and twelfth grade classes. Now let’s look at some more components of the NDA exam for candidates without a math background and how they can do well on the mathematics section.


What strategy do you use for the NDA exam’s math section?

I hope it is now evident that students without a math background from any stream can still apply to take the NDA exam. However it’s important to realize that applying for an exam alone does not guarantee admission. To pass the NDA exam, a candidate must receive sufficient scores in both the general ability and mathematics sections. 

 The NDA written syllabus comprises two papers in general. The General Ability Test (GAT) comes first, followed by the mathematics paper. Additionally, regardless of academic path, all candidates taking the exam are required to attempt the mathematics paper, which is a requirement of the NDA exam.


NDA Mathematics Exam Pattern

The following table clarifies everything about the NDA mathematics paper that you should know about. It includes the exam’s shift, maximum marks, number of questions, positive and negative markings, duration, mode of the exam, and the subject-wise cut-off marks.

Particulars Details
Paper Mathematics
Shift First
Number of Questions 120
Maximum Marks 300
  • Algebra
  • Matrices and Determinants
  • Trigonometry
  • Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
  • Vector Algebra
  • Statistics and Probability
Positive Marking 2.5 marks for every correct answer
Negative Marking 0.83 marks for every incorrect answer
Time Duration 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Mode Offline (OMR)
Cut-off Marks (Math)* 25% (It may vary from 20-30%)


Cut-off Marks (Math)*


If you don’t have any background in arithmetic, thus in order to succeed on the NDA exam‘s mathematics section, you will need to follow a methodical study strategy. You cannot ignore the mathematics paper because you are from the commerce or arts streams, as we have already mentioned. To pass the subject-wise cut-off, you must attempt this paper and receive at least 25% of the possible points. The NDA mathematics paper has a minimum score of 20% to 30%, though. In the past few years, the percentage has been 25%.


Examining past years’ papers is the first step in aceing the NDA mathematics exam. Knowing the mathematics chapters or the subjects that are significant and commonly questioned will be made easier with a thorough examination of the previous years’ examinations. Probability and statistics, permutations and combinations, trigonometry, vectors, matrices and determinants, sets, etc. are some of the key subjects covered in the NDA math assignment. These are some often questioned math topics; nevertheless, it is always a good idea to solve past years’ papers in order to gain a better understanding of the questions’ level of difficulty and the most significant themes.


How can you get the NDA math paper minimal cut-off marks?

 We must compute the minimum marks necessary to reach the 25% subject-wise cut-off to determine how many questions a candidate needs to attempt in the NDA Math paper to pass the cut-off.


  • The NDA Math paper has a maximum score of 300 and a subject-wise cut-off is 25%. 

 Therefore, to meet the 25% cut-off in the NDA Math paper, a candidate must receive at least 75 marks out of 300.


  • As a result, to be eligible for the 25% cut-off in the NDA math exam, a candidate must answer at least 30 questions correctly and without making any mistakes.


This should only be used, though, if the applicant lacks math experience and finds it difficult to receive a passing grade on the NDA math paper. As a result, applicants should strive for accuracy and answer a good number of questions. This will enable him or her to fulfill the goal of enlisting in the military and pass the NDA exam with a high enough total score.

