Can Saxenda Affect Fertility in Males and Females?

If you’re considering taking Saxenda and have concerns about its effects on fertility or are attempting to conceive, you’ve come to the right place! Saxenda, a prescription weight-loss medication, has been a topic of interest due to its impact on fertility in both males and females. 

Now, you may be wondering when the best time is to stop taking the medication before planning on starting a family. While the effect of Saxena injections has not been extensively researched, it has been found that the potential risks outweigh the benefits. To protect your baby’s safety, it is best to talk about this with your physician or healthcare provider before you buy Saxenda online. Let’s delve into the details. 

How Does Saxenda Affect Fertility in Males?

A study conducted on diabetic mice to determine the effect of liraglutide on male fertility examined the impact of liraglutide on sperm health and fertilization in diabetic mice. The experiment involved 42 male mice divided into groups, including controls, diabetic groups, and diabetic and non-diabetic groups treated with liraglutide at doses of 1.20 mg/kg and 1.80 mg/kg. After treatment for 42 days, sperm analyses showed that while diabetes significantly impaired sperm count, motility, and DNA integrity, liraglutide improved sperm count and DNA integrity in diabetic mice but did not enhance sperm motility or viability.

However, these improvements in sperm parameters did not lead to better fertilization outcomes or embryonic development in IVF studies. The result of the study is that liraglutide can partially improve certain sperm parameters in diabetic mice but does not significantly enhance male fertility, as evidenced by unchanged fertilization and embryo development outcomes. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to mention that some medications, such as sulfasalazine, used to treat conditions like Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, can temporarily decrease sperm count but typically return to normal once the medication is stopped. However, Saxenda itself does not have direct evidence of affecting male fertility. 

How Does Saxenda Affect Fertility in Females?

Saxenda may indirectly support fertility in women with obesity or insulin resistance. Dr. Alex Robles from the Columbia University Fertility Center suggests that medications like Saxenda could improve a woman’s body condition for conception, particularly by aiding in weight loss. Obesity is often linked with hormonal imbalances that disrupt regular ovulation, and even modest weight loss can help restore normal ovulation patterns.

However, on the flip side, the medication carries potential downsides concerning fertility. Rapid and excessive weight loss using Saxenda injections might negatively impact critical reproductive hormones such as luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which are essential for ovulation and overall fertility. 

Moreover, there are significant risks associated with using the drug during pregnancy, including a higher likelihood of miscarriage and fetal harm, as indicated by animal studies and clinical trials. The drug may also pass into breast milk, making it unsuitable during breastfeeding.

Overall, while Saxenda 6 ml pen has potential benefits in preparing the body for pregnancy by managing weight, it should be used cautiously and under close medical supervision due to its possible adverse effects on reproductive hormones and risks during pregnancy.

When to Stop Taking Saxenda Before a Planned Pregnancy? 

The animal studies state that when the animals were exposed to semaglutide, the active ingredient in Saxenda 6 ml pen, they showed structural abnormalities in fetuses and early pregnancy losses. Since many women of childbearing age may be interested in taking weight-loss medications, they may need to understand the potential risks associated with the use of Saxenda while conceiving. 

According to the prescribing information for Ozempic, women should stop taking the medication at least two months before a planned pregnancy, as it takes around two months for the drug’s active ingredient to wash out of their system completely. The prescription information warns the patients that Ozempic should only be used during pregnancy if the potential benefits justify the potential risk. 

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant While Taking Saxenda? 

Saxenda is not a contraceptive medication, so you can still get pregnant while receiving treatment. If you are not prepared for a pregnancy now, you should use reliable contraceptive methods while having unprotected sex. But if you still somehow become pregnant, let your doctor know immediately. You may be required to discontinue your treatment with Saxenda from Canada. However, the patient information leaflet states that no harmful effects related to fertility were found during animal studies. 

Potential Risks of Taking Saxenda During Pregnancy

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 45% of pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended. If you are not planning to get pregnant anytime soon, you should use effective and safe contraception to ensure that you do not get pregnant while using the medication. And if you do get pregnant, you should discontinue using the medication and let your doctor know. There isn’t much data available on how Saxenda affects women during pregnancy; However, it is not recommended during pregnancy due to potential risks to both the mother and child. 

Weight gain is considered normal during pregnancy; however, if you are not gaining enough weight or if you are losing weight, it can lead to complications such as premature birth of your baby or low birth weight of your baby. If you are breastfeeding an infant, then you should not take Saxenda 6 ml pen, as liraglutide may be passed into your breast milk. You should discontinue or pause your prescription while you are lactating and resume once you have finished breastfeeding. While considering weight management medications like Saxenda, consult your doctor and weigh the risks and benefits, then buy drugs from Canada online.


In conclusion, while Saxenda may offer benefits for weight management, its impact on fertility and pregnancy warrants careful consideration. Evidence suggests that it could indirectly support fertility in women by improving conditions conducive to conception, such as weight reduction in cases of obesity. However, its potential risks during pregnancy, including effects on fetal development and the likelihood of miscarriage, are significant. 

For males, the data does not conclusively show that Saxenda enhances fertility. Thus, it is crucial for individuals planning to conceive to consult their healthcare providers. They can assess the benefits against the risks based on personal health profiles and fertility goals. This approach ensures the well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.

